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DeepcrawlはLumarになりました。 詳細はこちら

Embedded Content

Embedded content refers to any content which has been added to a website from another source, for example; images and videos. 

It is important to follow best practice guidelines when implementing embedded content on your site to ensure search engines like Google are able to easily find and crawl it. 

Best practices for embedded content, along with further recommendations and real use case examples, are covered within our collected SEO Office Hours recaps below.

Learn more about website content and SEO in our Website Intelligence Academy.

Google Establishes Original Content Sources

If multiple sites are using the same affiliate/product content, Google will try to establish the original source, and allow a few other version to rank. They will be treated as separate sites which can rank independently for different queries. The suggestion is that this is fine provided you include some unique content. Later he also suggests this for pages with embedded videos.

23 Feb 2016

Make Video the Main Focus of a Page

If you have unique videos on your pages which you want to appear in search results, you should make sure the video is prominent, and the main focus of the page, or the video snippet might not be shown.

16 Dec 2014

Disallowed CSS/JS Is a Problem If It Prevents Rendering

Disallowed CSS and JS is only an issue if it actually prevents Google from finding visible content, or rendering pages correctly. Other JS files don’t matter so much. There aren’t any penalties or anything like that.

2 Dec 2014

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